Category: Uncategorized

Shortcut Superpowers Unleashed – Macstock VII 2023

Here’s the link to my presentation “Shortcut Superpowers Unleashed” from Macstock VII 2023. Enjoy!

Tasha and Sassy: In Memoriam

On this day, we bid farewell to Tasha in 2013, and to Sassy in 2014. You have enriched our lives in so many ways. Your little cat paw prints will forever remain pressed gently in our hearts. Love, always… Kirschen and Sarah

Honouring Jean MacDonald – ALD2015

For Ada Lovelace Day 2015, I’m honouring Jean MacDonald from App Camp for Girls. Jean was a partner at Smile Software and at one of Apple’s Developer Conferences, she noticed that there were very few women developers in attendance. Having been to Rock ‘n’ Roll Camp for Girls, Jean decided to start App Camp for Girls in 2012 with the express purpose “to empower girls by providing engaging and accessible educational programs in software development.”

App Camp for Girls kicked off with an IndieGoGo campaign to raise $50,000, and in a month managed to raise over $100,000. Beginning with a beta camp in Portland, Oregon in June 2013, the volunteer driven organization has now spread to provide App Camps for Girls in Seattle, Washington, and Vancouver, British Columbia – truly international!

And so it is truly well deserved that Jean is my honoree this year – she took it upon herself to attend Big Nerd Ranch to learn Apple iOS programming! Oh, and she also plays guitar and the drums in Ruby Calling!

KickStarter – Nock Cases

Just received my set of Nock pen / pencil / notebook cases. The workmanship is superb with excellent fabric. Do check out their site. Their offering on KickStarter is archived here

To Our Beloved Cat Tasha: An Elegy

Tasha entered our lives in August 1997. She was a lithe grey striped tabby we rescued from the Austin Animal Shelter. She joined our other cat Sassy whom we had adopted only three days earlier – we simply had to have two cats. Tasha had a lovely time in Texas and moved along with us to Iowa in 1999, flying in style with TWA.

Both Tasha and Sassy filled our lives with joy as they bonded with us, lived with us, and shared nuzzles and copious cuddles. She and Sassy were the protectors of the domicile, and were very affectionate to all who visited our home.

We noticed that Tasha wasn’t well about a month or so ago, when she started breathing hard. Vet visits ensued, x-rays were taken, and we saw that her lungs were cloudy. Ultrasounds were done, medication given to ease her breathing.

Today, February 10th, 2013, she did not eat nor drink any water, and her breathing was very, very laboured. With much sadness and tears, we made the decision that had to be made. Somehow, she seemed to know. The drive to the vets was the longest 20 minutes of our life. There, we spent time with her, speaking of our love, and allaying any worries she may have. We told her to be strong. We stroked and petted her. We were with her to the very end.

The winds are blowing. It’s cold here, not only outside but within our hearts. We have lost a cherished and beloved member of our family.

Sleepy Tasha

O Tasha,
Nibbler of toes,
Climber of high places,
Concealer extraordinaire,
Opener of Drawers,

You have truly lived a life that’s full,
You have given us much joy,

We will remember you, always,
Peace and rest, dear one.

Macworld/iWorld 2013

3rd and final day at Macworld/iWorld 2013. It’s been a fun show.

PopClip Dash extension fixed

Just received a tweet from Pilotmoon Software that the PopClip Dash extension has been fixed.

Migrated to WordPress

Just migrated the blog to WordPress so I can make entries from iOS devices as well as from the Mac. Major site edits will still occur in RapidWeaver. Thanks to the WP-Blog plugin from nilrog’s place